Please Read Before Completing the Application
Grant applications will only be accepted from September 15th through October 15th each year. Applications received late will not be accepted and incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Applications will go through a vetting and review process from receipt to the end of March or early April before awards are announced.
Ibis Charities Foundation awards grants to 501(c)(3) charities serving Palm Beach County residents. The charities must be in good standing with the IRS, be current with the Florida Secretary of State, and have filed a solicitation statement with the Florida Department of Agriculture Consumer Services.
For additional details and requirements, please review our What We Fund page.
General Information
All charities submitting grant requests will be notified by email (please check your spam) as to their approval or denial.
Recipients may not receive the total amount requested.
All recipients must sign our Grant Acceptance Terms Agreement stipulating the terms of acceptance for the award.
A post-grant expenditure verification must be submitted the earliest of project completion or no later than March 1 the year following the receipt of funds.
Grant recipients must provide Ibis Charities Foundation with contact information for two individuals in their organization that will be available to answer questions and supply updates on the project.
The charities selected authorize Ibis Charities Foundation to announce their names in our publications, as well as to the public via press releases and media coverage.
Apply for a Grant
Please click Apply Now to be taken to our Grant Application page on Foundant. You will see the Ibis Charities Foundation logo at the top of the Logon page.
Foundant Technologies offers the online platform that facilitates the submission of grant applications. The video below will teach you how to set up your account and how to submit a grant application. Please make sure you watch it fully before submitting.