What We Fund

Ibis Charities Foundation awards grants to 501(c)(3) charities serving Palm Beach County.

The charities must be in good standing with the IRS, be current with the Florida Secretary of State, and have filed a solicitation statement with the Florida Department of Agriculture Consumer Services. The majority of grants are awarded for projects and programs supported by specific budgets and produce measurable outcomes. However, requests for general funding may be considered in limited circumstances if the request is germane to the charity’s core mission.

Areas of Focus

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Programs and/or initiatives that further education or improve access to education for children and adults.

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Family & Social Services

Programs and/or initiatives assisting individuals and families with relationships and life skills.

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Art & Culture

Programs and/or initiatives enhancing cultural awareness, education and training in the arts.

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Health & Wellness

Charitable programs that are committed to improving the physical or mental health and wellness of children, adults and families.

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Programs and/or initiatives that aid in restoring, preserving or enhancing the facilities or natural resources and wildlife of our region, including those that enhance public awareness.

What We Do Not Fund

  • Charities located outside Palm Beach County

  • Debt reduction or operating deficits, capital projects, and bridge funding

  • Grants to individuals or private foundations

  • Grants to national organizations unless funds are used for the local chapter, with a local Board of Directors, and the project/program benefits Palm Beach County residents

  • Religious or Politically affiliated organizations